

The Rogue Gypsy Dangle
it's all about your color
your color defines you
it draws people in
people will want to look at your colors and that in turn will brighten their day as well
necessity is to have some accessory brighten your look and these uniquely designed, one of a kind Gypsy dangle necklaces can change your entire day.
Do a 180
wear something that makes you look beautiful
feel beautiful
you're going to even make other people seem beautiful
 they are truly gravitational
in a sense that your not going to want to take them off.
you may even think about other color choices that will make
you feel even brighter than the one you are wearing
maybe a color you don't even like
for instance, if green isn't or color, or yellow...... it will be now

For more information you can go to the Rogue Etsy site www.roguewave.etsy.com
or you can come visit Rogue this weekend at the Treasure Island Flea Market
it will be full of new jewelry, new accessories, and as well as some other surprises.
Think you'd never wear a feather headdress?
think again,

Rogue has come up with 50 new beautiful headdresses that specifically cater to the high fashionistas friday night ensemble
I'd like to thank you for taking the time to gauk at my beautiful model, Jessica, and I hope you enjoy the new looks.

There will be more to come shortly, so get ready for seconds



Aw Mindy

We weren't too sure whether it was legal or not to drive on an interstate highway wearing ski masks, but neither of us could recall whether or not we had learned about it in drivers ed. Nope!
   Here's to the one's behind it all
 You wanna talk puppy dogs? this little doozer is the brightest one in the galaxy. Keep you eyes on this one as she is Wanderlust with a one way ticket
"North American Indians" in the Russian River Valley

Indian Summer New lin


here is a briefing of the new Indian Summer line up for this summer/fall 2011.

You have to be unique, individual, and stunning.