Welcome to the world of burners.
weekend at burnies
weekend as a bunny
bunnies that will most likely burn they're bunns
It's interesting doing photo shoots through out the city because for one thing, people tend to dress up like super models, hobos, hipsters, practically anything they want to every day and it's kosher.
We had it out with a boat load of face paint and a couple of fur head dresses and hit the mission for a photo session.
while keeping note to whether or not this was normal or not...... concessions states that it is.
It's the new fashion.
Bum party update: Bum bus bounce
: this was at around 8:30 am on Haight st after a woman went nutso on this bum party because he was holding up the bus.
Rightfully so, people ARE trying to make it to their jobs on time..... but the lady yelling sounded like she had a couple too many as well.
or do we all sound like that on our way to work?
Bad bum left overs
: this blood scene is not at all a bloody bum.
Just a bad paint job, and it's most likely not even a bum, but probably a hipster drunk off of cheap port in Cole Valley.